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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Bora G.; Kumar R.; Joseph A. Early identification of potentially low performing community health workers using an ensemble classification model International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
2 Wales W.J.; Batra S.; Rangaswamy U.S. Quit the Politicking? How Factors Within Strategic Business Unit Teams Shape Returns from Entrepreneurial Orientation Group and Organization Management
3 Narayan S.; Kumar D. Macroprudential policy and systemic risk in G20 nations Journal of Financial Stability
4 Shiljas K.; Kumar D. The interplay of cash flow uncertainty and firm life cycle on sustainability disclosure Business Strategy and the Environment
5 Mishra C.; Manjari; Singh S.; Jauhar S.K.; Pratap S.; Pandey A.K. Literature Review of Vehicles Routing Problems Using Metaheuristics: Prospects and Trends Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
6 Rangaswamy U.S.; Batra S. “Can’t direct the wind? Adjust the sails”: a mediation model of intellectual capital, adaptive capability and project performance Journal of Intellectual Capital
7 Gupta R.; Anand A. Are we measuring the SDGs progress right? Evidence and insights from a review of India’s SDG index Indian Growth and Development Review
8 Gupta R.; Negi S. Do Firm Profits Adversely Impact Wage Growth and Employment Generation: Evidence from Firm-Level Data in India Forum for Social Economics
9 Singh M.; Jauhar S.K.; Pant M.; Paul S.K. Modeling third-party reverse logistics for healthcare waste recycling in the post-pandemic era International Journal of Production Research