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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Kumar G.; Padhy R.; Das D.; Narayana S.A. Ethanol Fuel Blending Program in India: Analysis of Environmental, Economic, and Policy Aspects Using System Dynamics Approach Journal of Advanced Transportation
2 Bhuyan A.; Roy V. Paratransit services and socio-economic planning: A review uncovering critical insights and developmental pathways Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
3 Pathak S.; Krishnaswamy V.; Sharma M. A dynamic capability perspective on the impact of big data analytics and enterprise architecture on innovation: an empirical study Journal of Enterprise Information Management
4 Mishra A.A.; Pathak D.K. Industry 4.0 Technologies Adoption and Sustainability Integration in Human Resource Management: An Analysis Using Extended TOE Framework and TISM IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
5 Devi Y.; Koshta N.; Pendyala S.S. Digital transformation and rural healthcare disparities: A mixed-methods approach in India Technovation
6 Rai S.; Narwal P. Fairness Perceptions, Happiness, and Behavioral Intentions in Trade Fairs: An Investigation from the Relational Model of Justice Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
7 Jois A.; Chakrabarti S. Adapting and validating global knowledge branding scales in the education services sector VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
8 Singh S.; Lakshay; Pratap S.; Jauhar S.K. Unveiling barriers to IoT adoption in the maritime freight industry International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
9 Gorgievski M.J.; Schmitt A.; Costa S.F.; Batra S. How do entrepreneurs influence their social environment? A bibliometric analysis and editorial Applied Psychology
10 Srivastava A.; Mateen A.; Narayanamurthy G.; Niranjan S.; Sarkar A. Impact of gray markets on strategic channel choice and social welfare Annals of Operations Research