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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Utkarsh; Singh H. How perceived corporate social responsibility affects consumer citizenship behavior? Investigating the mediating roles of perceived employee behavior and consumer company identification Marketing Intelligence and Planning
2 Kukreti K.; Ganguly K.; Samad T.A. Empirical benchmarking of virtual service centers' service quality: a case of a large telecom service provider in India International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
3 Mishra A.A.; Maheshwari M.; Pandey J.; Hassan Y. Fempreneurship Through Digital Platforms: The "Labyrinth Groove" and the "Barricades" Within Journal of Global Information Management
4 Sanguri K.; Patra S.; Punia S. Forecast reconciliation in the temporal hierarchy: Special case of intermittent demand with obsolescence Expert Systems with Applications
5 Goswami A.K.; Agrawal R.K. It’s a knowledge centric world! Does ethical leadership promote knowledge sharing and knowledge creation? Psychological capital as mediator and shared goals as moderator Journal of Knowledge Management
6 Gumparthi V.P.; Jog D.; Sharma P. I am Addicted to You My Love: Exploring the Crucial Significance of Brand Addiction Vision
7 Iqbal N.; Bouri E.; Liu G.; Kumar A. Volatility spillovers during normal and high volatility states and their driving factors: A cross-country and cross-asset analysis International Journal of Finance and Economics
8 Devi Y.; Srivastava A. Addressing sustainability during and post-COVID-19 pandemic crisis: a literature review and bibliometric analysis to explore the future avenues Benchmarking
9 Samarjeet S.; Bharti K. Constructing the Self at the Intersection of Gender and Caste: Understanding the Motivations of Marginalized Activist Women in India Sex Roles
10 Zargar F.N.; Kumar D. Market fear, investor mood, sentiment, economic uncertainty and tourism sector in the United States amid COVID-19 pandemic: A spillover analysis Tourism Economics