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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Jain, D., Kumar, A., & Jindal, K. Investor reactions to sustainability index dynamics: asymmetries from the Asian market perspectives Journal of Economic Studies
2 Batra S.; Vohra N. Exploring the linkages of cognitive style and individual innovativeness Management Research Review
3 Behera P.K.; Mukherjee K. Application of DEMATEL and MMDE for analyzing key: Influencing factors relevant to selection of supply chain coordination schemes International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management
4 Vishwakarma A.; Kulshrestha M.; Amulya Nyathikala S.; Kulshreshtha M. Cost efficiency benchmarking of urban water supply utilities: The case of an Indian state Water and Environment Journal
5 Uniyal D.P. An exploratory approach to develop a new scale to measure the construct of shopping involvement Journal for Global Business Advancement
6 Srivastava M.; Kaul D. Exploring the link between customer experience-loyalty-consumer spend Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
7 Deb M.; Sinha G. Impact of culture on religiosity, cosmopolitanism and ethnocentrism Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
8 Saha S.; Mukherjee K.; Chandra B. Channel distribution performance in cold chain management: A comparative scenario between two states of india Indian Journal of Marketing
9 Deb M. A strategic analysis of the various reforms of Khadi and Village Industries Commission: Case-based approach International Journal of Business and Globalisation
10 Ganguly K.; Rai S.S. Managing the humanitarian relief chain: the Uttarakhand disaster issues Journal of Advances in Management Research