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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Chaudhary S.; Karwasara A.; Gupta V.K.; Marino L.; Batra S. CEO Humility, Corporate Entrepreneurship, and the Moderating Influence of Discretionary Forces in the Task Environment Group and Organization Management
2 Gumparthi V.P.; Srivastava M. The Social Influences in Consumer-Brand Relationships: The Moderating Roles of Gender and Consumer Age Journal of Promotion Management
3 Goswami M.; Agrawal R.K.; Goswami A.K. Examining Factor Structure and Validity of Psychological Capital and Its Relationship with Learning Orientation South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
4 Jain S.; Sahu J.P. Banking the unbanked: exploring the impact of internet penetration on accessibility to banking services in developed and developing economies Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
5 Pathak S.; Krishnaswamy V.; Sharma M. Unveiling the Evolution of Big Data Analytics Capability: A Comprehensive Analysis Journal of Scientometric Research
6 Mishra A.A.; Maheshwari M.; Donald W.E. Career sustainability of digital micro-entrepreneurs: strategic insights from YouTubers in India Career Development International
7 Ansari M.G.; Sensarma R. Monetary Policy, Interbank Liquidity, and Lending Behavior of Banks in India Journal of Emerging Market Finance
8 Sharma S.; Lenka U. How does transformational leadership impact organizational unlearning: insights from persistence theories Journal of Organizational Change Management
9 Bhuyan A.; Roy V.; Srivastava A. Unpacking Service Management Issues in Intermediate Public Transportation Toward Sustainable Mobility Transportation Research Record
10 Bharti K.; Jabeen F.; Sadiq M.; Khan F. Does External Attribution Motivate Pessimistic Consumers to Purchase Organic Cosmetics? Australasian Marketing Journal