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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Srivastava A.; Choi T.-M.; Mahajan A.; Roy V. Impacts of gray market selling on the supply chain under product upgrade and pricing flexibility decisions Naval Research Logistics
2 Jauhar S.K.; Sethi S.; Kamble S.S.; Mathew S.; Belhadi A. Artificial intelligence and machine learning-based decision support system for forecasting electric vehicles' power requirement Technological Forecasting and Social Change
3 Patre S.; Khan A.A. Anthropomorphism and Technology Adoption: Integrating ISS Model and SQB Theory in HR-IVAs Adoption International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
4 Jha D.; Sahu J.P.; Singh P. A Political Economy Analysis of Recent Growth Slowdown in West Bengal Economic and Political Weekly
5 Sachdeva L.; Jena L.K.; Badhotiya G.K.; Baharul Islam K.M.; Mujtaba B.G.; Pal S. COVID-19 and human resource management: status, trends and research directions Employee Relations
6 Gupta M.; Jauhar S.K.; Paul S.K.; Pratap S. Relation between digital innovation and industry 4.0: existing themes and emerging research trends OPSEARCH
7 Joshi N.; Bapat S.R.; Sengupta R.N. Estimation of fixed-accuracy confidence interval of the stress–strength reliability for inverse Pareto distribution using two-stage sampling technique Sequential Analysis
8 Pal T.; Ganguly K.; Chaudhuri A. Digitalisation in food supply chains to build resilience from disruptive events: a combined dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based view Supply Chain Management
9 Sengupta R.N.; Bapat S.R.; Joshi N. Sequential estimation for the multiple linear regression models with balanced loss functions Sequential Analysis
10 Ghosh A.; Deb M.; Errmann A. Are there universal themes in story advertisements? a cross-country study on identification, usage, and attitudes towards story ad themes Marketing Letters