Assistant Professor
Prof. Md Gyasuddin Ansari has a PhD in Economics from Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK). He has an MBA in Marketing and Banking from IBS Business School, Bengaluru and an MBA in Finance and HR from ICFAI University, Dehradun. Moreover, he has an MA in Economics from University of Pune. He has also qualified National Eligibility Test-Junior Research Fellow (NET-JRF) conducted by University Grant Commission (UGC). Previously, he has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi. He has teaching interests in Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics and Banking. His research interests include Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, Banking and International Economics. In his PhD thesis, he has examined the role of liquidity in monetary policy transmission to Indian banks’ lending. He has published several research articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Economic Analysis and Policy, Journal of Emerging Market Finance, and Journal of Asian Economic Integration. He has presented research papers in various national and international conferences.
Journal Publication
- Ansari, M.G., & Sensarma, R. (2023) The role of liquidity in monetary policy transmission: Evidence from Indian banks. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 00, 1–20.
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2023). Liquidity creation channel of monetary policy transmission in India: Do bank characteristics matter?. International Social Science Journal, 73(248), 515-537.
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2022). What Explains Excess Liquidity of Banks? Empirical Evidence from India. Journal of Emerging Market Finance, 09726527221101134.
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2019). US monetary policy, oil, and gold prices: Which has a greater impact on BRICS stock markets? Economic Analysis and Policy, 64, 130-151.
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2022). Does Economic Freedom Influence the FDI–Growth Nexus in ASEAN Economies? Journal of Asian Economic Integration, 4(2), 144-159.
Articles in Newspapers and Magazines
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2024, Nov. 23). Liquidity with banks can upset RBI’s Monetary Policy transmission, Economic Times.
- Ansari M. G., (2023, Oct 19). E-rupee: A Success Story in the Making, Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 58, Issue No. 12.
- Baag P., & Ansari M. G., (2018, Oct 19) Recapitalization of Banks with Reforms: A Journey in the Right Direction, BW BusinessWorld.
Working Papers:
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. (2021). "Response of Bank Lending to Monetary Policy in India: Does Liquidity Matter?" (“Revise and Resubmit” with the Journal “Scottish Journal of Political Economy).
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2021). Monetary Policy, Liquidity Shock and Bank Lending in India: The Case of Currency Demonetization in India. Working Paper. (“Under Review” with “Journal of Policy Modelling”).
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2021). Liquidity Creation Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in India: Do Bank Characteristics Matter? Available at SSRN 4028461.
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2022). Differential Role of Excess Liquidity in Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from Indian Banks.
- Ansari M. G., Jayanth, R. S. S., & Remya Tressa, J. (2022). Does Credit Get the Credit? A Study on the Linkages between Agricultural Credit, Irrigation, Crop Production and Groundwater Level in India.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. (2021). "Monetary policy, Interbank Liquidity and Lending Behaviour of Banks in India".
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. (2019). The Interactive Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in BRICS: A Quantile Regression Approach. Available at SSRN 3479182.
Confrence Presentations/Acceptances:
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. "Monetary Policy, Liquidity Shock and Bank lending: The Case of Currency Demonetization in India. 8th PAN IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, held during December 16-18, 2021.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. "Monetary Policy, Liquidity Shock and Bank lending: The Case of Currency Demonetization in India. 10th India Finance Conference, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, held during December 16-18, 2021.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. "Response of Bank Lending to Monetary Policy in India: Does Liquidity Matter?", 18th AIMS International Conference on Management, Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, held during March 4-6, 2021.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. "Monetary policy, Interbank Liquidity and Lending Behaviour of Banks in India", 18th AIMS International Conference on Management, Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore, held during March 4-6, 2021.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. "Monetary policy, Interbank Liquidity and Lending Behaviour of Banks in India", International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research in Technology and Management, Institute of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, held during February 26-28, 2021.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. “Response of Bank Lending to Monetary Policy in India: Does Liquidity Matter?” Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance, Singapore, 29-30 July 2021 (Accepted for presentation).
- Ansari, M. G., & Sensarma, R. “The Interactive Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Freedom on Economic Growth in BRICS: A Quantile Regression Approach”, presented at “7th Pan IIM World Management Conference” at Delhi (organized by IIM Rohtak) during 12-14 December 2019.
- Ansari M. G., & Sensarma R. “US Monetary Policy, Oil and Gold Prices: Which has a greater impact on BRICS Stock Markets?”, presented at "Bank Indonesia and Asia-Pacific Applied Economics Association International Conference" at Bali, Indonesia on August 30-31, 2018.
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Monetary Economics, and Debates in Indian Economy.
NET and JRF - Qualified for both Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Assistant Professor (Economics: 2015). University Grants Commission, Ministry of Human Resource Development (Now Ministry of Education), Government of India.
- Member, Research and Ranking Committee (June 2023 - Present).
- Member, Library Committee (June 2023 - Present).
PhD: Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
Masters: MA (Economics): University of Pune, Pune.
MBA (Marketing and Banking): IBS Business School, Bengaluru.
MBA (Finance and HR): ICFAI University, Dehradun.
Bachelors: University of Pune, Pune.
Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Monetary Economics and Banking