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Anthropomorphism and Technology Adoption: Integrating ISS Model and SQB Theory in HR-IVAs Adoption

Title: Anthropomorphism and Technology Adoption: Integrating ISS Model and SQB Theory in HR-IVAs Adoption

Author (s):: Patre S.; Khan A.A.

Journal: International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Month and Year: August 2024

Abstract: The current study aims to establish a comprehensive framework for understanding the factors affecting intention to adopt HR-IVAs (Human Resource Intelligent Virtual Assistants) systems at the workplace by the employees. A research model is developed by integrating the ISS (Information System Success) model and SQB (Status Quo Bias) theory to study HR-IVAs adoption intention of employees. The moderating role of Perceived Anthropomorphism on these associations is studied. The non-random sampling technique with a single cross-sectional research design is used to collect responses from 374 respondents who were employees of service sector organizations. CFA, along with PLS-SEM, has been used to test the proposed research model. It was found that Perceived Information Quality (PIQ) and Perceived Systems Quality (PSQ) from the ISS model significantly impacted the Attitude towards the Adoption (AtA) of HR-IVAs, whereas only Perceived Threat (PT) from SQB theory significantly impacted AtA. Further, AtA significantly impacted the Adoption Intention (AI) of HR-IVAs. Additionally, Perceived Anthropomorphism (PA) significantly moderated the associations between PIQ and AtA as well as AtA and AI. The present study provides a novel conceptual framework that can be leveraged to gain insights into drivers and barriers to adopting HR-IVAs in the workplace. © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Document Type: Article