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Estimation of fixed-accuracy confidence interval of the stress–strength reliability for inverse Pareto distribution using two-stage sampling technique

Title: Estimation of fixed-accuracy confidence interval of the stress–strength reliability for inverse Pareto distribution using two-stage sampling technique

Author (s):: Joshi N.; Bapat S.R.; Sengupta R.N.

Journal: Sequential Analysis

Month and Year: January 2024

Abstract: In recent years, several probability distributions have been introduced in the literature to analyze the data exhibiting an upside-down bathtub–shaped failure rate; an inverse Pareto distribution (IPD) is an appropriate choice among them. For stress–strength reliability models, estimation of parameters is an interesting area of research. In this article, we estimate the stress–strength reliability parameter (Formula presented.) (where X and Y are strength and stress variables, respectively) of the IPD, whereby we focus on the problem of fixed-accuracy confidence interval estimation of R. It is established that the proposed interval estimation problem cannot be solved with the help of any fixed sample technique. As a result, we propose a two-stage sequential sampling strategy (which reduces the sample size significantly) to solve the given estimation problem. We obtain the expressions of several exact operating characteristics associated with our two-stage sampling technique. We also establish that the proposed two-stage procedure enjoys interesting first-order asymptotic properties. The detailed simulation analyses support our theoretical findings, and two real data sets based on insurance claims reinforce the practical utility of the proposed technique. © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Document Type: Article