Title: Enablers for Digital Transformation of Services to Harness New Business Opportunities
Author (s):: Kumar H.
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Month and Year: August 2024
Abstract: Digital transformation of services (DTSs) are seen as an opportunity for building dynamic capabilities, strategic renewal, collaborative approach, changing organization culture, entering new markets, and gaining new customers. Understanding users' behavior, preferences, and cultural shifts needed for DTS is challenging. Organizations must develop new skills, infrastructure, and capabilities to effectively design, develop, and implement digital service offerings. To fill such gaps, the research explores various enablers and their inter-relationships that can empower DTS. The study deploys 'Total Interpretive Structural Modelling (TISM)' and MICMAC to analyze complex relationships between different enablers and classify them into clusters based on impact ability. The proposed model can lead to improvements in service delivery, including faster response times, personalized services, greater accessibility, and innovation to increase digital competencies. By leveraging the study findings, organizations can improve their service offerings, respond to changes in demand more quickly, maintain high levels of service quality, drive innovation, foster collaboration, and deliver more effective customer-centric services. The decision-makers, service providers, entrepreneurs, managers, technology developers, marketing professionals, consultants, and academicians would benefit from study outcomes in formulating and implementing strategies for digitally transformed services to exploit public value-creation opportunities. © 1988-2012 IEEE.
Document Type: Article