Title: Unveiling the Evolution of Big Data Analytics Capability: A Comprehensive Analysis
Author (s):: Pathak S.; Krishnaswamy V.; Sharma M.
Journal: Journal of Scientometric Research
Month and Year: November 2024
Abstract: This paper performs a state-of-the-art literature review of Big Data Analytics Capability (BDAC) to analyze its domain, knowledge structures, theoretical roots, and key research trends. We analyze the domain, knowledge structures, and evolution of the field by applying Lotka's law, Bradford law, MCP ratio, keyword, citation, and co-citation analysis. Our analysis reveals predominant use of resource-based view and dynamic capability theories among other theories used in BDAC research. The key research themes identified relate to BDAC antecedents, consequences, process/ industry contexts, business intelligence, advanced analytics, and environment dynamics. The study's implications pertain to the identification of BDAC development, its theoretical roots, and emerging research themes. We also identify interesting research opportunities relating to BDAC as a dynamic capability, BDAC challenges such as failures, maturity, response to market dynamics, and BDAC value at process, firm, and industry levels. © Author (s) 2024.
Document Type: Article