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Bhamoriya, V. (2017). Q–Connect: Reaching Rural Customers with Assam Mobile Theatre. Vikalpa, 42(1), 51-54.

Q-Connect has hit upon a brilliant opportunity in the rural advertising and marketing space in one of the most promising regions of India. It has done well to overcome the challenges of bringing on board both traditional mobile theatre companies as well as big brands for their marketing and advertising needs. It is worth a mention that the success of Q-Connect must be seen in the highlight of facts that despite its potential, Assam and the north eastern parts of India find little prominence in advertising and marketing plans as well as budgets of most pan-national and multinational brands. Against the background that the society in Assam is emerging from the shadows of internal unrest and insurgency in large parts of the state and subsequent fallout of high proportion of less-educated and unemployed youth in the state, Q-Connect’s success is remarkable. The case analysis is done keeping in mind these notable and significant features of the situation and business context.