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Chakrabarti, S., & Arora, A. P. (2007). Drivers of ad spend trends among global marketers. International Journal of Advertising, 26(3), 387-397.

This research study attempts to examine whether there is consistency in the advertisingto-sales ratio (%) pattern for global marketers in their home region and at a worldwide level, through a systematic sequence of analyses. It attempts to understand the variation in the advertising spend to sales ratio for the home region and global markets for a sample of marketers by analysing along the variables of category (surrogate for advertising task), region (home base) and companies themselves. This has been done by applying the C&RT technique of the automatic interaction detector (AID) family. The key point emerging from this analysis is that, at every level, the category is the main determinant for explaining the variation in global advertising to spend ratio as well as the home region advertising to spend ratio.