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Professor & Director (I/C)

Prof (Dr.) Somnath Chakrabarti, Professor – Marketing at IIM Kashipur, has obtained Ph.D. degree from Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, India; Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA and Bachelor of Engineering degree from REC/NIT, Durgapur, India. He has also obtained GloColl certificate based on participation at Harvard Business School programs in Boston and in Shanghai which has given him expertise in the case writing process. He has worked in industry between 1992 – 2002 in WIPRO and in leading MNC advertising agencies, and has been in academics in leading Management Institutes of India from 2002 onward. His research papers have been published (including multiple papers in some of these journals) in reputed and premier journals like International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Computers in Human Behavior, International Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Bank Marketing, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Journal of Marketing Communications, Journal of Interactive Advertising, British Food Journal, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, Journal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behaviour, IIMB Management Review (of IIM Bangalore), Decision (of IIM Calcutta), and Metamorphosis (of IIM Lucknow) among others. His numerous cases have been published in IVEY Publishing, Canada and in Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. He has global work experience in McCann Erickson, Sydney, Australia in sales response modelling research. He has been active as a teaching faculty and as a Program Director in many MDPs and Executive Development Programs. His teaching and research interests are in consumer behaviour, services marketing, integrated marketing communications, international marketing, and marketing strategy. He has been very active over the years in guiding several Doctoral scholars and many of whom have been already awarded Doctoral Degree (under him as TAC Chair).

Prof Chakrabarti has been active as an academic coordinator as faculty convenor of Doctoral Colloquiums and as faculty - chairperson of the very prestigious International Conference on Marketing Innovation conducted at IIM Kashipur in December 2023.