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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Ganguly K.K.; Das D. Analysing the barriers in Indian stone crushing industries: An ISM and fuzzy AHP approach International Journal of Applied Management Science
2 Chaudhary S. Knowledge stock and absorptive capacity of small firms: the moderating role of formalization Journal of Strategy and Management
3 Deb M.; Agrawal A. Factors impacting the adoption of m-banking: understanding brand India’s potential for financial inclusion Journal of Asia Business Studies
4 Krishnaswamy V.; Sundarraj R.P. Impatience Characteristics in Cloud-Computing-Services Procurement: Effects of Delay Horizon and Situational Involvement Group Decision and Negotiation
5 Kumar D. Modeling and Forecasting Unbiased Extreme Value Volatility Estimator in Presence of Leverage Effect Journal of Quantitative Economics
6 Kumar A. Empirical investigation of herding in cryptocurrency market under different market regimes Review of Behavioral Finance
7 Chakraborty K.; Mondal S.; Mukherjee K. Analysis of the critical success factors of automotive engine remanufacturing in India Uncertain Supply Chain Management
8 Parthasarathy S.; Sharma S. Efficiency analysis of ERP packages - A customization perspective Computers in Industry
9 Anwar I.; Saleem I.; Islam K.M.B.; Thoudam P.; Khan R. Entrepreneurial intention among female university students: Examining the moderating role of entrepreneurial education Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development
10 Sikandar R.; Khan A. Linking gender vulnerability and disasters Disaster Risk Reduction: Community Resilience and Responses