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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Kumar A.; Mukherjee K.; Adlakha A. Dynamic performance assessment of a supply chain process: A case from pharmaceutical supply chain in India Business Process Management Journal
2 Sharma S.; Rai A. Adopting IS process innovations in organizations: The role of IS leaders' individual factors and technology perceptions in decision making European Journal of Information Systems
3 Kumar D. Sudden changes in extreme value volatility estimator: Modeling and forecasting with economic significance analysis Economic Modelling
4 Gupta V.K.; Batra S. Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance in Indian SMEs: Universal and contingency perspectives International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship
5 Choudhary A.; Mondal S.; Mukherjee K. Green supply chain management: Genesis, trends and phases Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
6 Batra S. Do new ventures benefit from strategic change or persistence? A behavioral perspective Journal of Organizational Change Management
7 Batra S.; Sharma S.; Dixit M.R.; Vohra N.; Gupta V.K. Performance implications of industry appropriability for manufacturing SMEs: The role of technology orientation Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
8 Batra S.; Sharma S.; Dixit M.; Vohra N. Measuring the effectiveness of strategic planning: proposing a second order operationalization Measuring Business Excellence