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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Pathak S.; Krishnaswamy V.; Sharma M. Impact of IT practices and business value of IT measurement International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
2 Amawate V.; Deb D. Post acquisition brand identity: acquisition of Flipkart group by Walmart Inc. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
3 Sachdeva L.; Bharti K.; Maheshwari M. A five-decade review of gender-based occupational segregation: A bibliometric study of influential authors, institutions, and research clusters Australian Journal of Career Development
4 Singh A.; Singh H.K. Gamification in Hybrid Teacher Professional Development ACIS 2021 - Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings
5 Sanguri K.; Mukherjee K. Forecasting of intermittent demands under the risk of inventory obsolescence Journal of Forecasting
6 Bansal M.; Kumar V. Forcing responsibility? Examining earnings management induced by mandatory corporate social responsibility: evidencefrom India Review of Accounting and Finance
7 Srivastava A.; Kumar V. Hotel attributes and overall customer satisfaction: What did COVID-19 change? Tourism Management Perspectives
8 Ali A.; Badhani K.N. Beta-Anomaly: Evidence from the Indian Equity Market Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
9 Kulshrestha A.; Krishnaswamy V.; Sharma M. Bayesian BILSTM approach for tourism demand forecasting Annals of Tourism Research
10 Jain A.; Maheshwari M. An Exploratory Study on Intergenerational Learning in Indian IT Workspace South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management