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An Exploratory Study on Intergenerational Learning in Indian IT Workspace

Title: An Exploratory Study on Intergenerational Learning in Indian IT Workspace

Author (s):: Jain A.; Maheshwari M.

Journal: South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management

Month and Year: September 2020

Abstract: Recent years have been transformational for organisations owing to growing generational diversity and the associated challenges of managing the different generations working together. This issue of generational diversity invites significant attention in the context of studying organisations that are going through massive transformations with the presence of different generations within the organisations at the same time (Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y or Millennials). Each of the three generations, with their understanding of the business context, technology, and industry-specific knowledge, are influencing organisational learning landscapes. With this, both the organisations and individuals benefit from the exchange of expertise suited to the learning preferences of different generational cohorts. This qualitative research is an attempt to explore the aforementioned phenomenon by focusing on the nuances of the traits of different generations, their respective learning preferences and the dynamics of intergenerational learning in the context of Indian IT companies. Insights that emerge seek to unravel the observed facets of intergenerational learning by three diverse generations of IT Industry. © 2020 Sage journal_publications India Pvt. Ltd.

Document Type: Article