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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Kumar N.; Ganguly K.K. External diffusion of B2B e-procurement and firm financial performance: role of information transparency and supply chain coordination Journal of Enterprise Information Management
2 Kumar A.; Adlakaha A.; Mukherjee K. The effect of perceived security and grievance redressal on continuance intention to use M-wallets in a developing country International Journal of Bank Marketing
3 Mukerji M. Where is the data to study the internet in India? Economic and Political Weekly
4 Chattopadhyay M.; Garg A.K.; Mitra S.K. Herding by Foreign Institutional Investors: An Evidential Exploration for Persistence and Predictability Journal of Behavioral Finance
5 Jois A.; Pallasena R.K.; Chakrabarti S. Freshdesk: bringing in freshness in startup world case Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research
6 Panicker A.; Agrawal R.K.; Khandelwal U. Inclusive workplace and organizational citizenship behavior: Study of a higher education institution, India Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
7 Sivaramakrishnan S.; Srivastava M.; Rastogi A. Attitudinal factors, financial literacy, and stock market participation International Journal of Bank Marketing
8 Banerjee P.K.; Isa C.R.; Zainuddin S. Regional corporate culture, motivation and technology impacts on performance of quality certified firms: A Malaysian perspective Journal of Global Information Management
9 Ganguly K.K.; Kumar G. Supply chain risk assessment: A fuzzy AHP approach Operations and Supply Chain Management
10 Kumar D. Forecasting energy futures volatility based on the unbiased extreme value volatility estimator IIMB Management Review