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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Deb M.; Lomo-David E. On the hedonic versus utilitarian message appeal in building buying intention in the luxury hotel industry Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
2 Dhir A.; Koshta N.; Goyal R.K.; Sakashita M.; Almotairi M. Behavioral reasoning theory (BRT) perspectives on E-waste recycling and management Journal of Cleaner Production
3 Kumar A.; Badhani K.N.; Bouri E.; Saeed T. Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region Finance Research Letters
4 Trehan D.; Sharma R. Assessing advertisement quality on C2C social commerce platforms: an information quality approach using text mining Online Information Review
5 Dahmani N.; Benhida K.; Belhadi A.; Kamble S.; Elfezazi S.; Jauhar S.K. Smart circular product design strategies towards eco-effective production systems: A lean eco-design industry 4.0 framework Journal of Cleaner Production
6 Deb M. An empirical investigation on heritage destination positioning and loyalty Current Issues in Tourism
7 Rai S.S.; Das D.; Ganguly K.; Giri S.; Mishra S.K. Stage-wise responsiveness in supply chain: Reference from the Indian garment industry International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
8 Bansal M.; Ali A.; Choudhary B. Real earnings management and stock returns: moderating role of cross-sectional effects Asian Journal of Accounting Research
9 Arya A.; Singh S. Development of two-stage parallel-series system with fuzzy data: A fuzzy DEA approach Soft Computing
10 Goswami A.K.; Agrawal R.K. Building intellectual structure of knowledge sharing VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems