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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Deb M. Understanding India: a market based perspective Journal of Asia Business Studies
2 Kaushik V.; Kumar A.; Gupta H.; Dixit G. A hybrid decision model for supplier selection in Online Fashion Retail (OFR) International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications
3 Kumar D.; Maheswaran S. Value-at-risk and expected shortfall using the unbiased extreme value volatility estimator Studies in Economics and Finance
4 Chakrabarti S.; Kumar N.; Upadhyay A. Turnaround of struggling plant of DJSL Limited: capital investment or operational improvement Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
5 Kumar D. Structural Breaks in Volatility Transmission from Developed Markets to Major Asian Emerging Markets Journal of Emerging Market Finance
6 Chakraborty K.; Mondal S.; Mukherjee K. A study on remanufacturing possibility of a product Microsystem Technologies
7 Chakraborty K.; Mondal S.; Mukherjee K. Critical analysis of enablers and barriers in extension of useful life of automotive products through remanufacturing Journal of Cleaner Production
8 Chakrabarti S.; Chadha V.; Agarwal R. Bhuira Jams: changing lanes to break logjam Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies
9 Raushan M.A.; Khan A.M. Intellectual capital and financial performance: Evidences from Indian business process outsourcing industry Current Issues in Economics and Finance
10 Dutta P.; Das D.; Schultmann F.; Fröhling M. Design and planning of a closed-loop supply chain with three way recovery and buy-back offer Journal of Cleaner Production