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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Panda A. Bringing Academic and Corporate Worlds Closer: We Need Pracademics Management and Labour Studies
2 Kumar D. Sudden breaks in drift-independent volatility estimator based on multiple periods open, high, low, and close prices IIMB Management Review
3 Maiti A. Effect of joint custody laws on children's future labor market outcomes International Review of Law and Economics
4 Batra S.; Vohra N. Planning as a means to innovation in entrepreneurial firms in India Routledge Handbook of Entrepreneurship in Developing Economies
5 Garg A.K.; Varshney P. Momentum Effect in Indian Stock Market: A Sectoral Study Global Business Review
6 Vishwakarma A.; Kulshrestha M.; Kulshreshtha M. Performance assessment of urban municipal solid waste management services in an Indian state Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management
7 Patra P.K.; Ray A.K.; Padhy R.; Patnaik S. Electronic governance service quality: A study in the state of Odisha International Journal of Services, Technology and Management
8 Deb M.; Roy Chaudhuri H. Impact of firm's reputation and ethnocentrism on attitude towards foreign products Marketing Intelligence and Planning
9 Deb M. A study on the factors governing retailer–customer long-term relationship International Journal of Commerce and Management
10 Deb M.; Lomo-David E. An empirical examination of customers' adoption of m-banking in India Marketing Intelligence and Planning