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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Zargar F.N.; Tiwari A.K.; Olayeni O.R. Testing for the Feldstein-Horioka hypothesis in Asia using wavelet analysis Applied Economics Letters
2 Sharma A.; Agrawal R.; Khandelwal U. Developing ethical leadership for business organizations: A conceptual model of its antecedents and consequences Leadership and Organization Development Journal
3 Kaushik V.; Khare A.; Boardman R.; Cano M.B. Why do online retailers succeed? The identification and prioritization of success factors for Indian fashion retailers Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
4 Khan A.; Baharul Islam K.M.; Mitra A. Exploring the status of community information and training for disaster preparation and mitigation practices: An appraisal of 2013 flash flood in Uttarakhand International Journal of Emergency Management
5 Batra S.; Sharma S.; Dixit M.R.; Vohra N. Does strategic planning determine innovation in organizations? A study of Indian SME sector Australian Journal of Management
6 Agrawal R.K. Do ethical climates impact trust in management? A study in Indian context International Journal of Organizational Analysis
7 Singh N.; Baharul Islam K.M. Predictive analytics for reducing human-animal conflict International Journal of Development and Conflict
8 Jois A.; Pallasena R.K.; Chakrabarti S. Freshdesk: bringing in freshness in startup world Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research
9 Rajwani S.; Kumar D. Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation Approach to Financial Contagion: A Study of Asian Markets Global Business Review
10 Ganguly K.K.; Bandyopdhyay P. Supply risk management process: Modeling enablers to develop a structural framework Global Business Expansion: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Appl.