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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Sanguri K.; Ganguly K.; Pandey A. Modelling the barriers to low global warming potential refrigerants adoption in developing countries: A case of Indian refrigeration industry Journal of Cleaner Production
2 Trehan D.; Sharma R. What motivates members to transact on social C2C communities? A theoretical explanation Journal of Consumer Marketing
3 Sharma A.K.; Bhatia A.K.; Kulshrestha A.; Sawhney I.K. Intelligent Modeling of Moisture Sorption Isotherms in Indian Milk Products Using Computational Neuro-genetic Algorithm SN Computer Science
4 Sahu A.K.; Padhy R.K.; Dhir A. Envisioning the future of behavioral decision-making: A systematic literature review of behavioral reasoning theory Australasian Marketing Journal
5 Chakraborty K.; Mukherjee K.; Mondal S.; Mitra S. A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis based on pricing related decisions in remanufacturing Journal of Cleaner Production
6 Kathiravan C.; Selvam M.; Maniam B.; Dharani M. Effect of weather on stock market: A literature review and research agenda Cogent Economics and Finance
7 Mukerji M.; Maheshwari M. Online Teaching during Pandemic: A Sensemaking Perspective on Technology, Work from Home and Well-being 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2021 TREOs: "Building Sustainability and Resilience with IS: A Call for Action"
8 Gupta R.; Bhamoriya V. ‘Give Me Some Rail’: An Enquiry into Puzzle of Declining Female Labour Force Participation Rate Management and Labour Studies
9 Sadiq M.; Bharti K.; Adil M.; Singh R. Why do consumers buy green apparel? The role of dispositional traits, environmental orientation, environmental knowledge, and monetary incentive Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
10 Badola A.; Agrawal R.K. Discovering an entrepreneur's journey from idea to reality: A phenomenological study International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business