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Gamification in Hybrid Teacher Professional Development

Title: Gamification in Hybrid Teacher Professional Development

Author (s):: Singh A.; Singh H.K.

Journal: ACIS 2021 - Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings

Month and Year: April 2022

Abstract: The paper investigates the concept of hybrid (online and face-to-face) teacher professional development for in-service teachers in the light of the emerging concept of gamification. This study makes a case for future researchers to explore the effect of gamification on teacher engagement in teacher professional development programs. The existing literature indicates that gamification leads to better employee engagement. Therefore, the paper argues that it will also lead to better teacher engagement in training programs. A gamified hybrid training program for in-service teachers has been developed. Various game elements like points, badges, and profile customization have been proposed to induce game dynamics in gamification implementations. The paper analyses how gamification leads to better engagement by exploring the linkages with various psychological theories. Copyright © 2021 authors.

Document Type: Conference paper