Title: Impatience Characteristics in Cloud-Computing-Services Procurement: Effects of Delay Horizon and Situational Involvement
Author (s):: Krishnaswamy V.; Sundarraj R.P.
Journal: Group Decision and Negotiation
Month and Year: July 2019
Abstract: Cloud computing has transformed the decision-making processes involved in the procurement of information-technology services. Not only has it brought about tremendous speed-ups to computing jobs, but also, the flexibility it provides in terms of availability and pricing options now enables a consumer to make trade-offs between price and time, based on the situation on-hand and the turnaround-time requirements. These price-time trade-offs have been studied in the behavioral-economic literature, but have not been considered formally in the procurement and the cloud-system bodies of literature. We fill this gap, by taking up the question of how the impatience characteristics of the procurer (and in turn his/her procurement decisions) get affected by two behavioral factors, namely, delay horizon and situational involvement. We test the model using a factorial experiment with 180 participants and find that impatience degree and type are affected by delay horizon and situational involvement. We discuss practical implications for a cloud-service provider, as well as implications for the intertemporal and IS literature. © 2019, Springer Nature B.V.
Document Type: Article