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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Gumparthi V.P.; Srivastava M.; Chatterjee D. TURNING POINT ANALYSIS OF BRAND LOVE TRAJECTORIES Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
2 Koshta N.; Patra S.; Singh S.P. Estimation of E-waste at micro level for reverse logistics: A case of Delhi Journal of Cleaner Production
3 Guha A.; Mukerji M. Determinants of Digital Divide using Demand-Supply Framework: Evidence from India Australasian Journal of Information Systems
4 Jayanti R.; Sharma R.; Kunal Sustainable Tourism Development: Social Value or Social Hazard? An Abstract Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science
5 Choubey S.; Karmakar G.P. Artificial intelligence techniques and their application in oil and gas industry Artificial Intelligence Review
6 Deb M.; Amawate V. Extending the knowledge on cause-related marketing (CrM) campaign with focus on skepticism VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
7 Samanta A.K.; Varaprasad G.; Padhy R. A systematic review of empirical studies pertaining to Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma quality improvement methodologies in paediatrics International Journal of Business Excellence
8 Amawate V.; Deb M. Antecedents and consequences of consumer skepticism toward cause-related marketing: Gender as moderator and attitude as mediator Journal of Marketing Communications
9 Kiran B.S.; Sharma R. Designing and Driving Crowdsourcing Contests in Large Public Service Organizations: Lessons from Deutsche Bahn and Indian Railways: Using the proposed six-stage framework for crowdsourcing contests, public service organizations can leverage internal and external knowledge to cocreate effective solutions. Research Technology Management
10 Ganguly K. Establishing link between quality management and supply chain risk management: A fuzzy AHP approach TQM Journal