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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Maiti A. Effect of corporal punishment on young children’s educational outcomes Education Economics
2 Maheshwari M.; Samal A.; Bhamoriya V. Role of employee relations and HRM in driving commitment to sustainability in MSME firms International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
3 Roy V. Contrasting supply chain traceability and supply chain visibility: are they interchangeable? International Journal of Logistics Management
4 Mondal J.; Chakrabarti S. Insights and anatomy of brand experience in app-based retailing (eRBX): Critical play of physical evidence and enjoyment Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
5 Kumar D. Value-at-Risk in the Presence of Structural Breaks Using Unbiased Extreme Value Volatility Estimator Journal of Quantitative Economics
6 Ullah A.; Idrisi A.; Khan M.M.; Islam K.M.B. A comprehensive review of agricultural policies in India Driving Factors for Venture Creation and Success in Agricultural Entrepreneurship
7 Manchanda M.; Deb M. On m-Commerce Adoption and Augmented Reality: A Study on Apparel Buying Using m-Commerce in Indian Context Journal of Internet Commerce
8 Gupta R.; Trivedi S. Exploring the backyard of ncovid: Determinants of death toll in pandemics Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management
9 Das S.; Kumar A. Long-term dependency between sovereign bonds and sectoral indices of India: evidence using Hurst exponent and wavelet analysis Managerial Finance
10 Gumparthi V.P.; Patra S. The Phenomenon of Brand Love: A Systematic Literature Review Journal of Relationship Marketing