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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Deb M.; Sharma V.K.; Amawate V. CRM, Skepticism and Patronage Intention—the mediating and moderating role of satisfaction and religiosity Journal of Strategic Marketing
2 Deb M.; Lomo-David E. Determinants of word of mouth intention for a World Heritage Site: The case of the Sun Temple in India Journal of Destination Marketing and Management
3 Sharma A.K.; Bhatia A.K.; Kulshrestha A.; Sawhney I.K. Neurogenetic Modeling of Moisture Sorption Isotherms in Dried Acid Casein Indo - Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks, Indo-Taiwan ICAN 2020 - Proceedings
4 Venkataraman A.; Venkataraman A. Lockdown & me …!! Reflections of working women during the lockdown in Vadodara, Gujarat-Western India Gender, Work and Organization
5 Rangaswamy U.S. Industry 4.0 disruption: assessing the need for adaptive capability Development and Learning in Organizations
6 Zargar F.N.; Kumar D. Modeling unbiased extreme value volatility estimator in presence of heterogeneity and jumps: A study with economic significance analysis International Review of Economics and Finance
7 Bhuyan A.; Sanguri K.; Sharma H. Improving the Keyword Co-occurrence Analysis: An Integrated Semantic Similarity Approach 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2021
8 Manchanda M.; Deb M.; Lomo-David E. Scrutinizing the efficacy of branded apps quality to counter counterfeiting and restore trust in m-commerce Quality Management Journal
9 Al A.; Mahendra A. Factor premiums: Evidence from the Indian equity market Finance India
10 Hassan A.; Anwar I.; Saleem I.; Islam K.M.B.; Hussain S.A. Individual entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention: The mediating role of entrepreneurial motivations Industry and Higher Education