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Scrutinizing the efficacy of branded apps quality to counter counterfeiting and restore trust in m-commerce

Title: Scrutinizing the efficacy of branded apps quality to counter counterfeiting and restore trust in m-commerce

Author (s):: Manchanda M.; Deb M.; Lomo-David E.

Journal: Quality Management Journal

Month and Year: May 2021

Abstract: Counterfeiting in m-commerce is rife in emerging markets. Our research intent is to understand how branded app quality counters perceived counterfeit deception (PCD) and engenders trust while analyzing consumer willingness to buy (WillB) in an emerging market. This work captures the perception of 1,146 online shoppers through a questionnaire-based survey and uses SPSSv23 and Amos 21 to construct a structural equation model to test the conceptual model. The results indicate that information quality (IQ), system quality (SysQ), and service quality (ServQ) of branded apps negatively affect PCD, and IQ and SysQ positively affect consumers’ trust in the seller. The study establishes stronger effects of SysQ and ServQ on PCD than on trust, and alongside this, a stronger effect of IQ on trust than on PCD is witnessed. Hence, the study proves that ServQ and SysQ are sale qualifiers and IQ is a sale enabler in counterfeiting contexts. A strong direct negative effect of PCD on WillB seems to overwhelm the positive effect of trust on WillB. The study makes several theoretical contributions, including toward the established literature on two factor theory and trust theory. The insights have important practical implications for retailers attempting to counter counterfeiting in m-commerce. © 2021 American Society for Quality.

Document Type: Article