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Antecedents and consequences of consumer skepticism toward cause-related marketing: Gender as moderator and attitude as mediator

Title: Antecedents and consequences of consumer skepticism toward cause-related marketing: Gender as moderator and attitude as mediator

Author (s):: Amawate V.; Deb M.

Journal: Journal of Marketing Communications

Month and Year: June 2019

Abstract: This study aims to understand the antecedents and consequences of consumer skepticism with respect to cause-related marketing (CRM). The study examines the mediating and moderating impact of attitude toward brand image and gender on the consequences of consumer skepticism. The study findings confirm the mediation and moderation effects of attitude toward brand image and gender and the relationship between skepticism and patronage intention. No empirical evidence was found for the relationship between the strategic motive to reduce consumer skepticism and CRM. The findings are relevant for both academicians and marketers. Academicians will be enriched by the knowledge of the antecedents, moderated and mediated variables, and their differential impact on consumer skepticism about CRM. The present study significantly contributes by examining numerous psychographic variables impacting consumer skepticism, thus developing an integrated model to understand how consumer skepticism impacts patronage intention. To the best of our knowledge, no such study has been conducted in the Indian context. © 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

Document Type: Article