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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

S.NO Author(s) Title Journal
1 Kumar A.; Chakrabarti S. Charity Donor Behavior: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
2 Dharani M.; Hassan M.K.; Rabbani M.R.; Huq T. Does the Covid-19 pandemic affect faith-based investments? Evidence from global sectoral indices Research in International Business and Finance
3 Kumar R.; Mukherjee A.; Sachan A. m-Government experience: a qualitative study in India Online Information Review
4 Javadian G.; Gupta A.; Foo M.-D.; Batra S.; Gupta V.K. Taking the Pulse: State of the (He)art of Entrepreneurial Emotion Research Group and Organization Management
5 Baharul Islam K.M. Preface Literatures from Northeast India: Beyond the Centreאeriphery Debate
6 Gupta N.; Kumar A. Dynamic relationship between stock market sector indices and macroeconomic variables in India Research Anthology on Macroeconomics and the Achievement of Global Stability
7 Choudhury S.S.; Chatterjee D. CGPL—Survival Through Engagement at a Time of Turbulence Global Business Review
8 Trivedi S.K.; Kumar R.; Dey S.; Chaudhary A.K.; Zhang J.Z. COVID-19 Patient Recovery Prediction Using Efficient Logistic Regression Model Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
9 Roy V.; Srivastava S.K. The safety–quality dominant view of food chain integrity: Implications for consumer-centric food chain governance International Journal of Management Reviews
10 Gupta A.; Batra S.; Gupta V.K. Gender, culture, and implicit theories about entrepreneurs: a cross-national investigation Small Business Economics