Assistant Professor
Operations Management & Decision Sciences
Renowned for his distinctive teaching style and classroom approach, Prof. Vivek Roy strives to bridge the academia-practitioner linkage via his finely carved course offerings. He earned his Ph.D in Operations Management from the Indian Institute of Management Raipur. He also holds a Master’s in Production Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi.
His expertise primarily revolves around diverse frontiers in Operations and Supply Chain Management to address the interactions between logistics management, operations strategy, purchasing and supply management, servitization, and sustainability. Specifically, these frontiers shape Prof. Vivek’s teaching as well as his research orientation to connect operations with other disciplines such as strategy, marketing, finance, and information systems.
In research, Prof. Vivek is selective about the topics he works on. The key criteria of selection include (a) teaching relevance, (b) relevance to academic discourse, (c) practitioner relevance, and (d) methodological rigor. As a result, his publications have been limited by quantity but have been oftentimes appreciated for quality. The niche domain-intrinsic outlets that he published in include the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, International Journal of Management Reviews (British Academy of Management), to list a few amongst many. He has two single-authored publications in top-rated outlets, and is engaging more in solo academic pursuits
- Prakash, C., Roy, V., & Charan, P. (2021). Mitigating interorganizational conflicts in humanitarian logistics collaboration: the roles of contractual agreements, trust and post-disaster environmental uncertainty phases. The International Journal of Logistics Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLM-06-2021-0318
- Roy, V., Vijay, T. S., & Srivastava, A. (2021). The distinctive agenda of service failure recovery in e-tailing: Criticality of logistical/non-logistical service failure typologies and e-tailing ethics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretconser.2021.102837
- Amonkar, R., Roy, V., & Patnaik, D. (2021). Intermodal service supply chain and seaport logistics performance. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 22(2), 171-187.
- Roy, V., & Srivastava, S. K. (2021). The safety–quality dominant view of food chain integrity: Implications for consumer‐centric food chain governance. International Journal of Management Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijmr.12258.
- Roy, V. (2021). Contrasting supply chain traceability and supply chain visibility: Are they interchangeable?, International Journal of Logistics Management. In Press.
- Roy, V., & Schoenherr, T. (2020). Implications of Sectoral Logistical Capabilities for Export Competitiveness: A Public Policy Perspective for Interventions in the Logistics Sector. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. In Press.
- Roy, V., Schoenherr, T., & Charan, P. (2020). Toward an organizational understanding of the transformation needed for sustainable supply chain management: The concepts of force-field and differential efforts. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 26(3).
- Roy, V., Silvestre, B. S., & Singh, S. (2020). Reactive and proactive pathways to sustainable apparel supply chains: Manufacturer's perspective on stakeholder salience and organizational learning toward responsible management. International Journal of Production Economics, 227, 107672.
- Roy, V. (2019). Decoding the elemental arcs of superior performance in sustainable supply chains. Management Decision, 57(9), 2570-2592.
- Roy, V., Schoenherr, T., & Charan, P. (2018). The thematic landscape of literature in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM). International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(4), 1091-1124.
- Roy, V., Charan, P., Schoenherr, T., & Sahay, B. S. (2018). Ensuring supplier participation toward addressing sustainability-oriented objectives of the mid-day meal supply chain. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(1), 456-475.
- Roy, V., Mitra, S. K., Chattopadhyay, M., & Sahay, B. S. (2018). Facilitating the extraction of extended insights on logistics performance from the logistics performance index dataset: A two-stage methodological framework and its application. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 28, 23-32.
- Roy, V., & Singh, S. (2017). Mapping the business focus in sustainable production and consumption literature: Review and research framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 150, 224-236.
- Roy, V., Sahay, B. S., & Charan, P. (2017). Akshaya Patra (Bhilai): purchasing and supply management. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 7(1).
- Operations and Supply Chain Management (MBA and MBA A)
- Logistics Management (MBA and MBA A)
- Operations Strategy (MBA and MBA A)
- MSME Development (MBA)
- Experiential Learning (Chairperson) 2021-Present
- Doctoral Committee (Member) 2020-Present
- Research Committee (Member) 2020-2021
PhD: Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Raipur
Masters: Production Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi
Logistics Management; Supply Chain Management; Servitization; Marketing-Operations Interface; Operations-Public Policy Interface