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Journal Publications

Journal Publications

Journal Publications

1 Badhani, K. N., & Kumar, A. (2020). Market timing skill of foreign portfolio investors in India. IIMB Management Review, 32(1), 24-38.
2 Kumar, N., & Ganguly, K. K. (2020). External diffusion of B2B e-procurement and firm financial performance: role of information transparency and supply chain coordination. Journal of Enterprise Information Management,
3 Roy, V., Schoenherr, T., & Charan, P. (2020). Toward an organizational understanding of the transformation needed for sustainable supply chain management: The concepts of force-field and differential efforts. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 26(3).
4 Kumar, A., & Mukherjee, K. (2020). Lean manufacturing in pharmaceutical closed-loop supply chain. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 26(1), 14-38.
5 Kumar, R., Kumar, R., Sachan, A., & Gupta, P. (2020). An examination of the e-government service value chain. Information Technology & People,
6 Kumar, A., Badhani, K. N., Bouri, E., & Saeed, T. (2020). Herding behavior in the commodity markets of the Asia-Pacific region. Finance Research Letters,
7 Deb, M., Sharma, V. K., & Amawate, V. (2020). CRM, Skepticism and Patronage Intention—the mediating and moderating role of satisfaction and religiosity. Journal of Strategic Marketing,
8 Anwar, I., Saleem, I., Islam, K.M.B., Thoudam, P., & Khan, R. (2020). Entrepreneurial intention among female university students: examining the moderating role of entrepreneurial education. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 12(4), 217-234.
9 Kumar, A. (2020). Empirical investigation of herding in cryptocurrency market under different market regimes. Review of Behavioral Finance.
10 Gumparthi, V. P., & Deb, M. (2019). Branding Dilemma and Global Expansion: The Case of Caliber Technologies. South Asian Journal of Management, 26(3), 162-183.