Assistant Professor
Organizational Behavior & Human Resource
Dr. RameshwarTure earned his Ph.D from Department of Management, IIT Madras in 2015. He has completed Masters degree in Human Resource Development and Management from IIT Kharagpur and Aeronautical Engineering degree from AeSI, New Delhi. Prior to joining IIM Kashipur he has taught at Amrita VishwaVidyapeetham.
His current research interests are in gig economy, career management and green HRM. He is fascinated with current opportunities and challenges posed to HR academicians &/or practitioners by gig economy and digitization. He serves as a reviewer to several reputed journals.
Over the years he has taught HR Analytics, Conflict Management and Negotiations; Human Resource Management, Leadership and Organizational Design subjects to MBA and executive MBA students. He has taught Research Methodology in Management for doctoral candidates. He is involved in conducting executive education and MDP sessions to middle and senior executives.
Dr. Ture is involved with New Delhi-based CII-ITC Centre for Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD) as a business sustainability assessor for best sustainable company award since 2014. He is a recipient of best sustainability accessor award from CII-ITC CESD.
- Kumar, H., Ture R. S., Gupta, M. P., and Sharma, R. S. (2023). Technological Solutions for Digital Identity: A Computer Vision-Based Approach to Mitigate Imaging Errors. Journal of Database Management, 34(1), 1-17. https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/article/full-text-html/325352&riu=true
- Dey, C., Ture, R. S., & Ravi, S. (2022). Emerging world of gig economy: Promises and challenges in the Indian context. NHRD Network Journal, 15(1), 71-82.
- Haridas, J., Ture, R.S. and Nayanpally, A.K. (2021). Organizational career management and turnover intentions: Mediating role of trust in management. European Journal of Training and Development. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJTD-09-2020-0136
- Ture, R. S., & Ganesh, M. P. (2018). Pro-environmental behaviours at workplace: An empirical study in Indian manufacturing organizations. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(9), 3743-3766.
- Ture, R. S., & Ganesh, M. P. (2014). Understanding pro-environmental behaviours at workplace: Proposal of a model. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 10(2), 137-145.
- Ture, R. S., & Ganesh, M. P. (2012). Individual and organizational drivers of employee eco-actions: A conceptual framework. The Journal-Contemporary Management Research. Special Issue, 38-47.
HR Analytics, Conflict Management & Negotiations, Leadership, Organizational Design, Human Resource Management
- Received second best paper award in 8th International HR conference organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai in March 2021.
- Received the best assessor award (debutant category) from CII-ITC Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development (CESD), New Delhi in Dec 2014.
- Received the “Special Prize” for the paper titled “Individual and organizational drivers of employee eco-actions: A conceptual framework” in Athenaeum 2012, VI International Conference on Management Research organized by Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli.
- Area Chair, Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
- Member, Library Committee
Ph.D: OB-HRM, IIT Madras
Masters: Human Resource Development and Management, IIT Kharagpur
Bachelors: Aeronautical Engineering, AeSI, New Delhi
Career Management, Digital HRM, Gig Economy, Green HRM