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Examining the Impact of e-Retailing Convenience Dimensions on Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction

Title: Examining the Impact of e-Retailing Convenience Dimensions on Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Role of Satisfaction

Author (s):: Kumar R.; Sachan A.; Dutta T.

Journal: Journal of Internet Commerce

Month and Year: July 2020

Abstract: This research investigates the impact of service convenience dimensions (access, transaction, decision, benefit, and post-benefit convenience) on consumers’ behavioral intention and the mediating effect of consumer satisfaction in e-retailing in India. A survey was conducted, and responses collected from 351 participants who had e-retailing experience. Using multiple regression, the study reveals that decision, transaction, benefit, and post-benefit convenience influence consumers’ behavioral intention. The results of mediated regression process suggest that consumer satisfaction partially mediates the association between decision and post-benefit convenience and behavioral intention. However, the association between transaction and behavioral intention is fully mediated by consumer satisfaction. The study does not find any mediation effect of consumer satisfaction for access and benefit convenience dimensions. Results provide important insights to e-retailers about the impact of convenience dimensions on consumer satisfaction and behavioral intention. E-retailers need to improve their level of customer-perceived service quality to ensure service convenience to their consumers. © 2020, © 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

Document Type: Article