Title: Opinion of adopters and nonadopters toward drip irrigation: Insights for marketing
Author (s):: Bhamoriya V.
Journal: Micro Irrigation Engineering for Horticultural Crops: Policy Options, Scheduling, and Design
Month and Year: September 2017
Abstract: This chapter highlights some consumer perceptions and focuses on the differences between the adopters and nonadopters. The results indicate that there are many myths about drip irrigation and these usually make the nonadopters have very high expectations from the technology and thereby suppress the satisfaction levels post-adoption. Marketing needs to take into consideration such myths and educate the prospective customers about these and also take up activities to ensure that customers are better prepared and taken care of better to deal with the actual events postadoption. There are many other aspects of drip irrigation that marketers need to focus: drip irrigation helps in timely and adequate availability of irrigation; it is costly and difficult to master; it enhances the chances for increasing incomes and increase in water tables, and also enables agriculture with very limited water availability while effecting a reduction in the usage of water and power consumed for irrigation and provision of very good quality after-sales service. © 2017 by Apple Academic Press, Inc.
Document Type: Book chapter