Title: Green supply chain management: Genesis, trends and phases
Author (s):: Choudhary A.; Mondal S.; Mukherjee K.
Journal: Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Month and Year: May 2016
Abstract: Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has emerged as an important organizational philosophy to achieve the competitive advantage by reducing environmental risks and improving ecological efficiency. Research on GSCM has grown substantially over the past two decades. This paper represents a brief report on various issues of GSCM on the basis of literature survey. The paper eventually contains two parts-literature survey and discussion of existing trends and phases representing functioning of GSCM. To serve this purpose 274 research articles published during 1996 through 2015 were reviewed. Knowledge extracted from the survey of the literature helps in understanding the existing trends and various concepts related to GSCM. The discussion of existing trends and various phases constitute a relevant knowledge base and will help industry and academia in developing a better understanding about GSCM. © 2016, ASERS Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Document Type: Article