Title: A conceptual study: Organisation culture as an antecedent to employee engagement
Author (s):: Mewafarosh R.; Tripathi V.; Gupta S.
Journal: International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment
Month and Year: January 2020
Abstract: The concept of organisation culture and employee engagement has always been an area of interest for researchers. Employee engagement covers almost all parts of human resource management areas ever know. To have better outcomes commitment, organisational effectiveness and sustainable competitiveness, engaged employees act as drivers of organisation success. Intense pressure, cut-throat competition, changes in the external and internal business environment, competitors can emulate the performance of the service provided but they cannot replicate the dedication, sincerity and absorption of their employees at the place of work. A substantial literature survey shows that there is a relationship between organisational culture and employee engagement. In this paper, we have focused on this gap in the literature and have tried to establish a relationship between organisational culture and employee engagement. The emphasis of this research is to conjoint organisation culture and its components such as values, beliefs, ethics, communication with employee engagement. © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Document Type: Conference paper