Title: An exploratory approach to develop a new scale to measure the construct of shopping involvement
Author (s):: Uniyal D.P.
Journal: Journal for Global Business Advancement
Month and Year: February 2013
Abstract: Shopping is an activity which evokes many responses from people and when shoppers were studied in the act of shopping using disguised observations, it was found that their behaviour was distinct across shopping formats. The current study is an attempt to define and measure the construct of shopping involvement in a particular store's context. It was found that the current involvement scales did not measure involvement with shopping process. It is hypothesised that shopping involvement will change from shop format and the benefit derived from that format and will have a direct correlation with the level of information search at the store. Initial phase of research was qualitative using depth interviews, followed by quantitative research with a sample size of 200 shoppers in the Indian city of Ahmedabad. A new scale to measure shopping involvement was conceptualised at the end of the study. © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Document Type: Article