Title: SSTQUAL model: Assessment of ATM service quality in an emerging economy
Author (s):: Adil M.; Nasir M.; Sadiq M.; Bharti K.
Journal: International Journal of Business Excellence
Month and Year: August 2020
Abstract: This study aims to identify the key dimensions of automated teller machine (ATM) service quality and attempts to analyse the dynamic relationships among service quality, e-satisfaction and e-loyalty in Indian bank industry. Items were drawn from well-known SSTQUAL model, with cultural adjustment and industry specific modifications. A structured questionnaire in English language was used to collect the data from 360 ATM users. Research findings show that security/privacy and enjoyments have emerged as key dimensions that concern ATM users in India. The relative importance of the SSTQUAL dimensions identified in this study provides bank managers with a handbook as to which issues are critical in order of importance. Because of the limited sample size, the research results may lack generalisability. More replicative works are needed to enhance the generalisability. © 2020 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.. All rights reserved.
Document Type: Article