Title: The Phenomenon of Brand Love: A Systematic Literature Review
Author (s):: Gumparthi V.P.; Patra S.
Journal: Journal of Relationship Marketing
Month and Year: September 2019
Abstract: Brand love is a phenomenon that is experienced by a group of satisfied consumers. The construct brand love is of great importance to academics and practitioners because a group of satisfied customers become loyal customers, thereby reduce several costs and also enhance several marketing activities. Since the research paper of it can be observed that there has been a surge in the number of research journal_publications pertinent to brand love literature. Through this systematic literature review, we comprehensively review seventy six articles pertinent to brand love literature, published in various scientific journals there by presenting the key emergent themes, extensively used methodologies and analysis approaches, key variables observed, dominant theoretical underpinnings and a strategic conceptual framework. © 2019, © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Document Type: Article