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Intertemporal choices in cloud computing: Effects of delay and delay horizon -an experimental study

Title: Intertemporal choices in cloud computing: Effects of delay and delay horizon -an experimental study

Author (s):: Krishnaswamy V.; Sundarraj R.P.

Journal: 2017 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society Conference, TEMSCON 2017

Month and Year: June 2017

Abstract: Utility computing models such as cloud computing provide a variety of computing services using several pricing options. Flexibility of requirements and availability of pricing options, enable a consumer to make trade-offs between cost and time. These trade-offs are governed by consumers' behavior with respect to how they discount price vis-à-vis time of delivery. In this paper, we study this trade-off for the cloud-computing context, based on theoretical models from the time-discounting (intertemporal) literature. We test this model using an experimental study with 162 participants. © 2017 IEEE.

Document Type: Conference paper