Assistant Professor
Prof Smarak Samarjeet is a storytelling practitioner engaged in creative storytelling through documentaries and short films. He integrates the power of storytelling into executive training programs on leadership communication, interpersonal competency, and design thinking. For the last eight years, he has been engaged in executive education and training for entry, mid, and senior-level management professionals for organizations such as Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy, Indian Oil Corporations Limited (IOCL), Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Power Grid Corporation of India, V-Guard, and National Institute of Communication Finance. He has served as a program director for MDP programs of ONGC, GAIL (India) Ltd and Petronet LNG. He is currently part of the Design and Innovation Centre, IIM Kashipur, and trains students in storytelling for design and innovation. He also conducts workshops on human-centered design thinking and innovation.
Prof Smarak Samarjeet has MBA, MA, and PhD degrees. He teaches Executive Communication, Workshops on Written and Oral Communication, Corporate Communication & Crisis Management, Critical Thinking, Leadership Communication, and Interpersonal Skills at IIM Kashipur. He specializes in Social Media Communication, Public Relations for Digital Media, Content Writing, Technical Writing, and Public Service Advertising (PSA).
He was among the 100 young global leaders selected to represent India at the Women Deliver 3rd Global Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2013, and the Women Deliver 5th Global Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in 2019. He has been featured in The Hindu, The Orissa Post, and The Samaja for his work on community radio.
He recently directed a documentary film that premiered in Out On Film Atlanta’s LGBTQ Film Festival 2020, Atlanta, US; Dharamshala International Film Festival 2020, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India; Mosaic South Asian Film Festival, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada; Dialogues 14th Calcutta International LGBTQIA+ Film & Video Festival, Kolkata, India; 26th Kolkata International Film Festival, Kolkata, India. He also produced a short film on mental health.
Psychosocial dynamics, technology and human behavior, human agency
- Samarjeet, S. (2017). Hashtag ideology: practice and politics of alternative ideology. In Political Scandal, Corruption, and Legitimacy in the Age of Social Media (pp. 101-122). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2019-1.ch005
- Samarjeet, S., & Bharti, K. (2023). Constructing the Self at the Intersection of Gender and Caste: Understanding the Motivations of Marginalized Activist Women in India. Sex Roles 89, 834–854. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-023-01434-1
- Samarjeet, S. (2015). Audiovisual Rhetoric In Practice: A Semio-Ideological Analysis Of Television Commercials Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods In India (Doctoral dissertation).
- Samarjeet, S. Invest in Youth – It pays. The Hindu. June 9, 2013. http://www.thehindu.com/features/education/invest-in-youth-it-pays/article4794955.ece
- Workshop on Written & Oral Communications
- Workshop on Interpersonal Skills
- Workshop on Critical Thinking
- Leadership Communication
- Executive Communication
- Corporate Communication Strategy
- Critical Thinking and Interpersonal Skills
- Corporate Communication & Crisis Management
- Chair, Communication Area (2017-2021) (2024 – present)
- Chair, Media and Public Relations Committee (2017-2024)
- Co-coordinator Design Innovation Centre (2019 – present)
- PhD Mass Communications, Pondicherry University
- M.A. Mass Communication, Pondicherry University
- 5-Year Integrated MBA – Utkal University