Associate Professor
Dr Atulan Guha is a Development Economist having teaching and research experience of over 17 years at various national level Academic Institutes of India. Currently, he is an associate professor at IIM Kashipur. Before joining IIM Kashipur, Dr Guha had been faculty at the Institute of Rural Management Anand and Institute for Studies in Industrial Development, New Delhi. At the Post-Graduate level, he has taught Macroeconomic Policy Analysis, International Trade Theory and Policy, Development Economics and India in World Economic.
Dr Guha has doctoral student who became faculty at other IIM. He has been external examiner for Ph.D thesis of IIM Calcutta, JNU New Delhi, and TISS, Mumbai. Dr. Guha is also member of research advisory committee of doctoral students from CDS Trivandrum, and Doon University. He has written more than 20 journal articles, book chapters and working papers. Some of the journals are Economic and Political Weekly, Social Indicators Research, Applied Economic Letters, Australasian Journal of Information System, etc. His research interests are in Development Economics that includes Applied Macroeconomics, Trade Policy, Structural Issues in Indian Economy and Comparative Analysis with other countries.
Dr Atulan Guha also worked for or member of various policy-making bodies of various Governments. He was Member-Convenor of the Task Force on Special Economic Zones and member of the Plan Committee on Industries for the 11th five-year plan of Kerala State Planning Board. Dr Guha was a member of the State Advisory Committee of Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission (UERC). He had been a consultant to Kerala State Planning Board. He has provided policy inputs as written reports to Govt. of Uttarakhand, Govt. of Gujarat, Govt. of Kerala and various Govt. of India ministries, including Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Commerce and Industries and Planning Commission. Further, he has provided consultancy services to UNICEF.
Dr Atulan Guha holds a PhD in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. At the post-doctoral level, he was part of the Cambridge Advanced Program on Development Economics, University of Cambridge, sponsored by the Ford Foundation. He is trained in Global Macro-Modelling, sponsored by SOAS, University of London.
Refereed Journals
- Gupta, R., & Guha, A. (2024, forthcoming). Electricity Trade at Exchanges of the World: Contextual Analysis of Indian Electricity Exchanges. IIMB Management Review, ABDC-B
- Gupta, R., & Guha, A. (2024, forthcoming). Construction of Sub-Country Level Environment Policy Stringency Index: A Study on Indian States. Social Indicators Research, ABDC-A
- Kaler, A., & Guha, A. (2024, forthcoming). Non-Alignment between Prices of Sugar and Sugarcane Creating Cyclicality in Sugar Sector of India: An Application of Cointegration Technique. Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Scopus Indexed
- Gupta, R., & Guha, A. (2024). Renewable Energy and Economic Growth: Evidence from India. The Indian Economic Journal, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/00194662231223698, ABDC-B
- Anwar, R., & Guha, A. (2023). A Study on Dynamics of Food Inflation in India. The Indian Economic Journal, 71.5. , ABDC-B
- Rajesh Gupta & Atulan Guha (2023): What characteristics of the economy drive the growth of modern renewable energy? Evidence from 52 countries’ panel data, Applied Economics Letters, ABDC-B
- Kaler, Anshuman & Atulan Guha (2022) “The Proposed Deregulation of India’s Sugar Sector Will It Benefit Farmers?”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 57 (21), Pp 58-64, ABDC-B
- Guha, Atulan., & Mukerji, Maitrayee. (2021). Determinants of Digital Divide using Demand-Supply Framework: Evidence from India. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 25., ABDC-A
- Guha A & A Tripathi (2014) “Link Between Food Price Inflation and Rural Wage Dynamics” Economic & Political Weekly, xlIX nos 26 & 27, June 28, ABDC-B
- Guha A (2014) “Undermining Panchayati Raj Institutions in Gujarat”, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLIX No. 22, May 31, ABDC-B
- Guha A (2009) “Labour Market Flexibility in Indian Manufacturing: An empirical enquiry”, Economic and Political Weekly, May 9-15, 2009, Vol.44, No.19, pp 45-52, ABDC-B
- Guha A (2007) “Exchange Rate Management in Gold Standard Era: A Historical Overview”, Economic and Political Weekly November 10-23, Vol. 42, No. 45-46, pp. 67-72., ABDC-B
- Guha, A. (2007) “Company size and Effective Corporate tax rate in Indian Manufacturing”, Economic and Political Weekly, May 19-25, 2007, Vol. 42 (20), pp. 1869-1874.", ABDC-B
Book Chapters
- Guha A (2018) “Labour Under Stress in Gujarat?”, in Politics: Essays in Tribute to Randhir Singh, Edited by Dhananjay Rai, Aakar Books.
- Guha A (2017) “Sectoral Structure of Indian Growth: Could Baumol Explain It?”, Proceedings of the Conference of International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Vienna, ISBN 978-80-87927-42-7
- Guha A. (2017) “Role of Foreign Exchange Reserve in Exchange Rate Behaviour the Persisting Asymmetry: A Historical Account”, Proceedings of the Conference of International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Florence, 2017, ISBN 978-80-87927-43-4
- Guha A (2016) “Exchange Rate Movement of Developing Countries like India: An Alternative Theoretical Framework”, Proceedings of the Conference of International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, ISBN 978-80-87927-19-9
- Guha A (2015) “A survey on Corporate Saving, Corporate Tax and Surplus”, ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations on Economics, Vol. Industry, Oxford University Press
- Guha A & P.P. Pal (2014) “Global Ramifications of Reoriented U.S. Policies towards Employment Generation”, Market, Regulations and Finance, edited by Ratan Khasnabis & Indrani Chakravarti, Springer
- Guha A (2013) “Labour Market Flexibility in Indian Manufacturing”, Development on Trial: Shrinking Space for the Periphery, edited by Sunanda Sen and Anjan Chakrabarty, Orient Blackswan
- Guha A (2008) “Evolution of Indian Organised Manufacturing Industrial Structure: A Comparison between Liberalised and Pre-Liberalised Regimes” Indian Industrial Development and Globalisation, (edited by S.R. Hasim et al.) pp. 63-88, Academic Foundation, New Delhi.
T.P. Bhat, A. Guha and M. Paul (2008), Indo-China Trade Complementarities and Competitiveness, Bookwell Publishers.
- Guha A (2008) Book Review of “Globalisation and Development” by Sunanda Sen, published by National Book Trust, Social Scientist, November
- Guha A (2009) Book Review of “World of Work Report 2008: Income Inequalities in the Age of Financial Globalisation” (Edt.) Raymond Torres, ILO, The Book Review, October
- Chalapati R. and A. Guha (2006), “Ownership Pattern of the Indian Corporate Sector: Implications for Corporate Governance”, a chapter in a book named, Globalisation and Opening markets in Developing Countries and Impact on National Firms and Public Governance: The Case of India published by Centre de Sciences Humanies,
- P.P. Pal and A Guha, (2019), Why interest sops for exports can’t work, The Hindu Businessline, Why interest sops for exports can’t work - The Hindu BusinessLine
- Macroeconomic Policy
- Development Economics
- International Economics
- Indian Economy
- Chairperson, Doctoral Program, 2022-23
- Chairperson, Internal Audit Committee, 2019-20
- Co-Chairperson, Executive MBA, 2019-20
- Chairperson, Library Committee (2016 to 2018)
- Chairperson, Economics Area (2015 to 2022)
- Coordinator, FPRM (Doctoral Program) Committee, IRMA, 2014 -2015
- Co-coordinator, Centre for Rural-Urban Dynamics, IRMA, 2014-2015
- Convener, Equal Opportunity Committee, IRMA,2012 to 2015
- Convener, Library Committee, IRMA, from May, 2010 to May, 2014
- Coordinator, Economics Area, IRMA, from 2010 to 2015
PhD: Economics (Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)
Masters: Economics (Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)
Bachelors: Economics (University of Calcutta, Kolkata)
Applied Macroeconomics, Trade Policy, Issues in Development mainly in the context of the Indian Economy
- A chapter of “Uttarakhand State Economic Survey-2019-20” on behalf of State Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance, Govt of Uttarakhand, (2020)
- “Uttarakhand State Economic Survey-2016-17." on behalf of State Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance, Govt of Uttarakhand, (2017). This is the first economic survey of this state.
- Report on Impact Assessment of Community Development Work Carried Out by Tista Urja Limited in North Sikkim District of Sikkim (2014)
- Rural Development Report of India, 2013-14 of IDFC Rural Development Network for the Ministry of Rural Development, GOI (2014)
- Training Module for Statistical Cadre of DES, Govt. of Gujarat, Under GSSSP, for UNICEF (2014)
- 3rd State Finance Committee Report for the state of Gujarat, for Ministry of Panchayat, Govt. of Gujarat (2013)
- Rural Development Report of India,2012-13 of IDFC Rural Development Network for Ministry of Rural Development, GOI (2012)
- AUGUR Project, an international research project of the FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme) of the European Union, 2011-12
- Import Intensity of India’s Exports in Liberalized Trade Policy Regime, for Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Govt. of India, (2006)
- India and China in WTO: Building Complementarities and Competitiveness in the External Trade Sector, for Planning Commission, Govt. of India. (2005)